Category Archives: Traditionalism

Dividing Al-Quran into 'Paras'/smaller volumes

Quoting an article by Dr. Kamal Omar from

Dividing The Scripture into smaller volumes

Allah has divided His Book in 114 Surahs and not ‘Paras’. You can group a few Surahs together and bind the Book in as many volumes as you wish, but the basis of division must be only in accordance with the Surahs. No other division into volumes is allowed under any terminology like Al-juzv (1/30th part) and Al-hizb (1/60th part) etc., since this amounts to blasphemy. To give an example the 13th Para closes after the first Ayat of the 15th Surah; and the 14th part, thus, starts at the 2nd Ayat of the 15th Surah. And still more blasphemous it is that the Opening Surah of Al-Kitab is kept outside the so-called 30 parts. It is clarified within the Text of the Scripture that Saban-min-Al-Masani (15/87) generally termed Surah Al-Fatiha (i.e., the Opening Surah) is the Ist Surah in the Divine arrangement of the Divine Text. The Text of the Book throws an open challenge to one similar Surah, in the 2nd Surah (2/23) and to produce ten Surahs in the eleventh Surah (11/13).

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A chat with Bassam Zawadi

This msn chat was part of the debate with Bassam Zawadi:

The chat has been removed upon Bassam’s request because according to him, I did not have his permission to publish it. According to me, I had.

Update later.

By the way, there is a small debate in the comments section as well.

The Myth of Intercession in Islam

I seek refuge with Allah from Shaitan the rejected

[6:51] And warn with it(Al Quran) those who fear that they will be gathered to their Lord – they do not have from beside Him a protector, nor an intercessor – that they may guard.

Intercession According To the Quran

Intercession is one of Satan’s most effective tricks to entice people into idolatry. To believe that someone possesses a partnership with Allah in anything is setting up a god besides Him. To believe that on the Day of Judgment, Allah will share his authority of intercession with powerless beings (like Muhammad PBUH, Jesus PBUH, saints). Lets see what Al Quran has to say:


According to Al Quran, for example, if a father would request Allah to forgive his son then He would forgive him only if the request coincides with His will .i.e Allah will only forgive him if he really deserves to be forgiven, and not only because his father requested so . Thus “intercession” will take place, but it will be utterly useless.

[74:48] So the intercession of the intercessors will never help them.

[20:109] On that day, the intercession will not avail, except for whom The Gracious permits, and whose request is acceptable to Him.


[10:18] They give their ibadah/service to others besides Allah that can neither harm them nor benefit them, and they say, “These are our intercessors at Allah!” Say, “Are you informing Allah of something He does not know in the heavens and the earth?” Be He glorified and high above what they associate(with Him).

Allah has not informed in the Quran about any intercessor, yet people call other humans as their intercessors at Allah. Allah asks them how can they inform Allah about something new, when Allah who knows everything in the heavens and the earth, has not given them any such information about the intercessors?!

Verse 10/18 tells us those who take intercessors are actually committing Shirk i.e. associating them with Allah since all intercession belongs to Allah; He does not share intercession with anyone else, just like He does not share with anyone His Power over the skies and the earth:

[39:43-44] Have they taken intercessors from other than Allah ? Say, “What? Even though they do not possess any power, or intelligence?”
Say, “All Intercession belongs to Allah. To Him belongs the Power/Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, then to Him you will be summoned.


Did Allah require partners when he created the skies and the earth and everything between them? No. Why then would He require partners and assistants as intercessors on the Day of Judgment?

[32:4] Allah is He who created the skies and the earth, and whatever is between them in six periods, then settled on the throne. There is none for you from beside Him a protector nor an intercessor. So why do you not remember?

[34:22] Say, “Call on those whom you have set up from beside Allah. They do not own/control a single atom’s weight in the heavens, nor in the earth. And there is no share for them therein, nor is there for Him any assistant among them.”


The traditional Muslims claim that Muhammad will intercede for them. Christians claim Jesus will save them. But Al Quran tells us that no one, including the prophets and messengers, ever had any power to intercede, nor will they have on the DOJ. Do they think Allah will give them the power of intercession and say “choose your favourites”?

[4:123] It will not be in accordance with your desire, nor what the People of The Book desire: Whoever works evil, he will be requited with it. And he will find neither a protector nor a helper from other than Allah.

They think that the prophets will help them? But who will help the prophets ? Al Quran tells us that they have too much to worry about themselves:

[21:28] He knows what is between their hands and what succeeds them. They(messengers) do not intercede, except for those whom he has approved, and from His fear they tremble.

They themselves fear Allah’s Punsihment.

[17:57] Those whom they call upon, themselves seek the way of access towards their Lord. They hope for His mercy, and fear His punishment. Surely, the punishment of your Lord is a thing to be cautious of.

Al Quran tells us that messengers had implored Allah to save their relatives and loved ones, but they got what they deserved.

Noah could not save his son:

[11:45-47] And Noah implored his Lord, so he said “My Lord, surely my son is from my family, and surely Your promise is the truth. And You are the wisest of judges.” He(Allah) said, “O Noah, surely he is not from your family. Surely it is a deed unrighteous to ask Me what you have no knowledge of. Surely, I advise you, lest you be among the ignorants.” He said, “My Lord, surely I seek refuge with You, lest I ask You for what I have no knowledge of. And unless You have forgiveness for me, and have mercy on me, I will be among the losers.”

Abraham could not help his father . Abraham implored Allah to forgive his father :

[19:47] He(Abraham) said, “Peace be upon you(father). I will seek my Lord’s forgiveness for you; He has been most kind with me.

But when he was told that his father is an enemy of Allah and will not be forgiven, he disowned him .

[9:114] And Abraham did not ask forgiveness for his father except because of a promise he had promised him. But as soon as he realized that he was an enemy of Allah, he dissociated from him. Abraham was extremely kind, forbearing.

On the Day of Judgment, Jesus also leaves the judgment to Allah, where it belongs.

[5:118] “If You punish them, surely they are Your slaves. If You forgive them, surely You are the Almighty, Most Wise.”


The traditional Muslims should know better that Muhammed could not help his (so called)uncle Abee Lahab . He was told that his uncle has incurred hell-fire.

[111:1-5] The hands of Abee Lahab will perish, and he will perish. His wealth will not avail him and neither what he earns. He will suffer the fire of blazing flame. And his wife, the carrier of wood. In her neck will be a rope of palm fibre.


Instead of requesting Allah to forgive his nation, the Muhammad will complain that his people have deserted Al Quran.

[25:30] And the messenger will say, “My Lord, my nation has taken this Quran as a thing to be deserted.”

And they think that Muhammed will protest at Allah’s judgment?!


Forget the prophets intercession. Even the angels do not possess any power to intecede.

[53:26] And many from the angels in the skies, their intercession will not avail anything except after Allah permits and approves for whomever He wills.

Prophets who ?


[36:23] “Shall I take gods from other than Him? If the Most Gracious intends any harm for me, their intercession will not avail me anything, nor can they deliver me.

[17:56] Say, “Call whatever idols you have set up from besides Him.” So they have no power to relieve your afflictions, nor can they change them.

But only on the Day of Judgment will they realize that …

[7:53] …”The messengers of our Lord had indeed come with the truth. So now are there any from the intercessors to intercede for us? Or send us back, so that we act differently than we used to act.”…

Too late . As the verse continues …

…They have lost their souls, and THEIR OWN INNOVATIONS HAVE CAUSED THEIR DOOM.

[6:94] “And indeed You have come back to us as individuals, just like We created you the first time, and you have left behind what We bestowed on you. And We do not see with you your INTERCESSORS, those whom you had set up as if they surely had a share in you. All ties between you have been severed and what you had asserted has abandoned you.”
