Category Archives: AI

>Polygyny/Multiple Wives – by Kashif Shahzada


This is a Twitter lecture on the topic of Polygyny delivered by Kashif Shahzada at

Marriage according To Quran is between two consenting adults, who on account of their belief & circumstances are married.

Purpose of marriage is to find love, tranquility and fulfillment and to procreate & be a family.

Monogamy is the norm in the Qur’an, but under extenuating circumstances, polygyny is allowed. We read:

And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls then marry those that please you of women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [only] one… Quran 4:3

4:3 indicates that polygny is conditional to justice. If a man cant treat equitably, then he is ordered to be monogamous.

Polygyny in Quran is not for fulfilling the lustful intentions of man, but to provide shelter & support to destitute women

Polygyny enables wealth creation. As the members in a household increase, aggregate earning of family increases.

Polygyny reduces poverty. A wealthy man will marry poor women thus they get food & shelter.

Polygyny creates wealth succession. If a penniless poor woman stays single all her life & dies, then she leaves no inheritance but if a man marries her then through Quranic law of inheritance, she has a right in her husbands property, which then goes to her children or siblings after her demise. This way wealth is not only created but also passed on.

Polygyny saves from perversion. It is a scientific fact that men due to testosterone have a higher sex drive than women…

…instead of meeting their needs illicitly, polygyny allows men to fulfill within the bond of marriage

Polygyny provides childcare and permits women to go to work. A sister wife can look after the kids, while other wives work.

Polygyny provides companionship social, economic & psychological support.

Polygyny provides natural support system for the elderly as Quran orders to financially support their elderly parents

Thus children from polygynous marriages will support their elderly parents and not leave them at the mercy of state pension.

Thus I would argue that polygyny is beneficial for society. Because in society majority are poor & minority are rich

Polygyny applies only to the rich, as Quran makes it a prerequisite on a man to financially support a woman he wishes to marry

Otherwise he should be monogamous or keep himself chaste until he has the means to marry.

Through this Quranic law, the rich minority shares wealth as well as emotional support to the vast poorer majority & there is Equity and just distribution of wealth, increased productivity by more working members in household…

Increase in manpower by larger families, reduced crime because of harnessing male testosterone and aggression

A young workforce brought by larger families and childcare provided by sister wives & elderly care by children

Due to these facts, observations, I rest my case and conclude that Quranic law of polygyny which involves wealthy men to marry from poor & destitute orphaned girls & whom they are duty bound to financially support and share in wealth & love has immense benefits for society in all times. How true is the Qur’an which says

“And We send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the believers..” 17:82

>Toxic Women (and Men)


So when you read the Quran, you shall seek refuge in God from Satan the Stoned (The Quran 16/98)

The Quran 24/26: ‘Khabees’/Toxic women are for toxic men, and toxic men for toxic women. ‘Tayyib’/Wholesome women are for wholesome men, and wholesome men for wholesome women; such are innocent of that which people say: For them is pardon and a bountiful provision.

Toxic Women

A woman is Toxic if she has embraced Feminism and lives according to it’s tenets of complete selfishness and irresponsibility for women. The toxic woman is very common and shows no signs of dying out. Indeed, Toxic women significantly outnumber non-Toxic women.

The Toxic woman thinks it is fine to strip a man of assets on divorce, fine to deny him access to his own children because it’s what she wants, it’s ok to sue her own employer or colleagues because she feels oppressed in some way, it’s the right thing to do to accuse a man of rape if he doesn’t cuddle her in the morning, it is justified for her to take jobs in the fire service, the police or the military and receive the same pay as men without having anything like the same ability or taking anything like the same risk.

It is not safe for a man to be alone with the Toxic woman and nor is it safe for him to drive her home or pay her a compliment – false accusations are ready to be flung by the toxic woman who tends to have a range of personality disorders.

The Toxic woman should not be dated, stood next to, employed or interacted with in any way by a man wishing to avoid enormous problems in his life.


Please visit:

Exposing Feminism and the New World Order

Truth, Lies and the War on Men

Gender Equality Is Not Achievable – Ever

>’Husband-Wife Relations’ by Kashif Shahzada – A Special Twitter Lecture

>This is a special twitter lecture on Husband-Wife relations. (delivered at . Also visit )

Before understanding husband/wife relations need to understand attributes of man & woman

Fact#1 biologically man and woman are not the same.

Fact#2 Men’s physique is different from a woman’s.

Fact#3 Men grow beards & mustaches, women dont

Fact#4 Women get pregnant, men dont

Fact#5 women give birth, men dont

Fact#6 women get postnatal depression, men dont

Fact#7 women lactate, men dont

Fact#8 women can give undivided attention to child and naturally multi-task at other things, men cant

Fact#9 men’s sexual desire is more than that of women.

Fact#10 men have more strength than women

Fact#11 psychologically as well as physiologically, men & women are not the same. they R different. Its a scientific fact.

I have cited 11 facts proving that man is not equal to woman & vice versa. In their light is the success in marriage.

What is marriage. Union of man & woman agreeing to share life, material possession, emotions and all together.

Key to marital harmony is that both man and woman understand their roles vis a vis their NATURAL construction

Man’s roles should be according to his physique & talents, woman’s roles acc. to her physique & talents.

Man’s role acc to his body is strenous work, aggressive bargaining, hunting for opportunities, & bringing the kill home

Man’s role is to provide, and protect his family. work very hard and bring income home and spend on family.

Women’s role acc to her body is to make home beautiful, also herself beautiful for her husband & properly manage his money

Good husband is one who:

1) works hard & earns good living

2) protects and takes a stand for his family

3) is sexually interested in his wife & is not unfaithful. wife should also beautify and make herself alluring for her man

4) is the teacher of the family. teaches and becomes role model for children & also gives counsel in times of need

Good wife is one who:

1) listens and follows her husband and also gives him advice & consultation but doesnt insult him

2) she does not belittle her husband in the company of others or is disrespectful

3) she does not divulge her husband or family secrets and preserves her family dignity & honour

4) she makes her self sexually available to her husband and considers only one man to be the man in her life ie her husband

5) When the husband comes home tired from the days work, she makes him relax & entertains him

These were some principles of marital harmony. All points are deduced from Holy Qur’an, the Book of Islam.

>Death Penalty for Blasphemy: Is it Quranic?


Everyone, please forward this to your family and friends. Thanks.

Quoting from Why The Death Penalty is un-Islamic?” by Kashif Shahzada

[2.0] Blasphemy

Blasphemy is the use of offensive, and derogatory language and visual representations against personalities revered and held in high esteem in a religion.

The Qur’an narrates that Prophets and believers were mocked, derided and subjected to abuse and persecution, but in face of all this, they were commanded to show restraint and be patient. There is no command to inflict the death penalty on those who hurl abuses. Indeed their act is heinous and sinful, and for which Allah will punish them in this world as well as the hereafter, but the believers are not called to exact revenge from them. Believers are enjoined not to utter words of contempt for anyone, even for the objects of worship of other religions

[2.1] It is Allah and not the believers who will punish those who hurt the Prophet (p) in this world as well as the next.
“Those who hurt God and His Messenger — them God has cursed in the present world and the world to come, and has prepared for them a humbling chastisement.” 33:57

As those who hurt the Prophet (p) will be punished by Allah in their own lifetime unless they repent, therefore believers exacting revenge and vengeance from them or invoking the death penalty for their offence does not arise. The matter is in Allah’s hands.

[2.2] The Qur’an has cited many instances where the unbelievers mocked, scoffed and used hurtful and annoying words towards the Prophet (p) (p.b.u.h). But the Prophet (p) (saw) did not penalise such offenders but exercised restraint as Allah commanded him to do so:
“And have patience over what they say, and leave them with noble (dignity).” (73:10)

The Prophet (p) acted on Allah’s command “..have patience over what they say..” and practised restraint on the hurtful words of unbelievers. In his life, the Prophet (p) was subjected to verbal and physical humiliation. There were attempts made on his life (8:30), he was accused of forgery (21:5), he was stigmatised as a man ‘possessed’ (23:70) and a ‘madman’ (68:2). But his personal reaction was adherence to the Quranic teachings of patience and restraint. As the Prophet (p) did not invoke the capital punishment for such offenders but used patience and restraint against the invectives and persecution, therefore this is proof that blasphemy although a grave sin, and which qualifies one for a divine curse, and punishment from Allah, is not a capital offence.

[2.3] Muslims are ordered to react with restraint when their faith is being abused and ridiculed and not exact revenge from the culprits.
“You shall surely be tried in your possessions and your selves, and you shall hear from those who were given the Book before you, and from those who are idolaters, much hurt; but if you are patient and godfearing — surely that is true constancy.” (3:186)

We are told that Muslims “..shall hear … much hurt..” but in face of this, they are not to exact vengeance or retribution but are ordered to have sabr(patience) and taqwa (righteousness). Similarly, in 4:140 Muslims are told that when their beliefs are ridiculed how they are to react:

“When ye hear the signs of Allah held in defiance and ridicule, ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme.” (4:140)

As the Qur’an prescribes to Muslims restraint, and distancing from the blasphemous persons, and has not advocated exacting vengeance, punishment or revenge, therefore this shows that blasphemy, although a grave sin, is not a capital offence mandating the death penalty.

[2.4] Those who commit blasphemy and even plot sedition are given an opportunity by Allah to repent. If capital punishment were invoked and they were to face the death penalty then they would not be able to avail the opportunity for repentance that Allah mentions in 9:74.
“They swear by God that they said nothing (evil), but indeed they uttered blasphemy, and they did it after accepting Islam; and they meditated a plot which they were unable to carry out: this revenge of theirs was (their) only return for the bounty with which God and His Apostle had enriched them! If they repent, it will be best for them; but if they turn back (to their evil ways), God will punish them with a grievous penalty in this life and in the Hereafter: They shall have none on earth to protect or help them.” (9:74)

The expression in above verse: “..If they repent, it will be best for them…” is clear evidence in demonstrating that those guilty of blasphemy, apostasy and sedition are not to face the death penalty as Allah has given them a chance for repentance and amendment of their conduct.

>Illuminati Mosque

>Salaam alaikum / Peace be upon you.

Quoting from Henry Makow’s article Illuminati Mosque: Divide and Conquer:


Through the establishment (and some “anti-establishment”) politicians that it controls — and through the various organizations (such as the CFR) that it uses — the Illuminati seek to create division wherever they can.

They play both sides of every issue, which is what gives the “Ground Zero Mosque” controversy its incredible sense of contrivance. 

The Illuminati was ultimately behind the decision to construct the mosque in the first place, knowing this would offend many people. Advertised as a gesture to “build bridges,” it was in fact designed to create conflict.

The head of the Cordoba Initiative, which decided to build the mosque, is  Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, well known for his global connections. He has been closely associated with the Aspen Institute, funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and head-quartered in Washington, D.C.

It is active worldwide in “fostering enlightened leadership” for the new global order. (Aspen’s chairman, Walter Isaacson, former CEO of CNN, was recently appointed by President Obama to be head of the Broadcasting Board of Governors which oversees all of the U.S. government’s international broadcasting.) So the Imam is not just a local Muslim cleric; he is well networked with those who are planning and carrying out the global agenda at the highest level.

Once the decision to build the mosque was made, the Illuminati got politicians like Mayor Bloomberg to support it and politicians like Newt Gingrich to denounce it. The controlled media played it up and soon the country was angry and divided. And then they got Obama to throw more fuel on the fire. 

What gives this whole controversy its greatest sense of unreality, however, is that Ground Zero is itself an Illuminati creation using their Mossad, CIA and other assets. The controversy over the mosque is designed to cement the bogus notion that Muslims were responsible for this heinous act.   

Divide and conquer is their modus operandi. Divide men and women, parents and children, straights and gays, Muslims and Christian, nations and races.

The ground zero mosque controversy falls into this category.


Also checkout:

Ground Zero Mosque Imam Is Globalist Stooge

Ground Zero Islamic center’s funding leads to CFR

What The Quran says about such a mosque:

9/107: And there are those who take a mosque (for the purpose of causing)damage, rejection/concealment(of the Truth) and division between the Believers – and as an outpost for those who have been waging war against (the system of)God and His messenger since past times. They will indeed swear that their intention is nothing but good; while God bears witness that they are liars indeed.

9/108: You shall not stand therein ever. The mosque which has been founded from the first day on God-consciousness, is more deserving that you stand therein. In it are men who love to be pure; and God loves those who are pure.

9/109: Is he, therefore, better who lays his foundation on God-consciousness and (His) good pleasure, or he who lays his foundation on the edge of a cracking hollowed bank, so it broke down with him into the fire of hell; and God does not guide the unjust people.

9/110: The building which they have built will ever continue to be a source of doubt in their hearts, except that their hearts get cut into pieces; and God is Knowing, Wise.

Fahad Ali Khan

>Ramadan Greetings from the House Negro

>I remember that while listening to “Barack Obama”‘s Ramadan address from last year I kept looking away because even listening to it was making me sick. Watching it I would have thrown up:

The Quran :
2/204: And among mankind is he whose speech about the life of this world impresses you, while God bears witness against what is in his heart, and he is the most violent of adversaries.

2/205: And when he turns back, he runs along in the land that he may cause mischief in it and destroy the cultivation and the lineage, and God does not love mischief-making.

>The Saudi "House" Muslims

>The “Khadimain al-Haramain ash-Sharifain” , the “Custodians of the Two Holy Mosques”, the “Protectors of the Muslim Ummah” are a bunch of boot-licking, ass-kissing House “Muslims”.

Check out this documentary film:

Saudi & America …Slave & Master

Description: “This documentary highlights the history of the Saudi Arabia which was founded by King Abdul Aziz Al-Saud In 1902 with the help of British Government and spies who armed and financed the rebellions against the Ottoman Empire. The video discusses the present day’s affairs between the Saudis and the America and highlights how the Al-Saud family relies upon the America to control the country.”

Also check out these:


>The Quranic Concept of Deen – Part 1


Salaam alaikum.

The word “dayn” comes from the root Daal-Ya-Nun which in 2/282 is used to mean a transaction:

2/282: O you who believe! when you TRANSACT(taDaYaNtum) A TRANSACTION/DEBT(DaYN) for a fixed time, write it down; …

The word “deen” also comes from the same root and, in the same manner, is also transacted:
9/29: Fight those who believe not in God, nor in the Last Day, nor hold as unlawful what God and HIS Messenger have declared to be unlawful, nor TRANSACT(yaDEENoona) the DEENIL HAQQ, until they pay the tribute out of hand and have been humbled.

Therefore the nature of ‘deen’ is also that of a transaction or debt. And indeed, there is a LIFE-TRANSACTION between Allah and the believers:

9/111: God Has PURCHASED from the believers their very lives/selves and their wealth, with that they will have Jannat/Paradise.

To understand what deen is, what it is based upon, we have to understand what basically changes with a change of deen. The Quran tells us that Firaun/Pharaoh was afraid of a change of the people’s deen:

40/26: And Pharaoh said: “Leave me to kill Moses, and let him call upon his Nourisher. I fear that he may CHANGE YOUR DEEN, or that he will cause chaos to appear in the land.”

But what was Firaun afraid would change with the change in their deen? Was he afraid that bani Israeel(Children of Israeel) would start regarding Allah as their ilah(the ultimate reference point/authority/one’s “god”) and rabb(nourisher/developer/lord)? No, because bani israeel already regarded Allah as their ilah and rabb:

God/Allah, bani Israeel’s ilah and rabb:

10/86: So they(Bani Isra’eel) said, ‘in God we put our trust; our RABB, do not make us a temptation for the oppressing people;

10/90: … he(Firaun, while he was drowning) said, ‘I believe that there is no ILAH except Him in whom the Children of Israeel believe, and I am of the Submissive Servants/al-muslimeen’.

This dispels the misconception of deen being ‘religion’ or ‘system of beliefs’. But then what would have changed with the change in bani Israeel’s deen that Firaun was afraid of? The answer is: 

Firaun’s position as their:

(a) MALIK(King/Dominator/Owner/Controller) and 
(b) MA’BOOD(receiver of ibadah/service, one who is served):

43/51: And Pharaoh proclaimed among his people: “O my people, is it not that I possess the Mulk/Power/Ownership/Kingdom of Egypt (i.e. ‘am I not the MALIK of Egypt), and these rivers flow below me? Do you not see?”
23/47: So they(Pharaoh and his chiefs) said “Should we believe two mere humans like ourselves, while their people are AABIDOON/SERVANTS to us?” (i.e. we are their MA’BOOD)

Therefore, despite their faith in Allah/God alone as their ilah and rabb, Firaun occupied the position of their malik and ma’bood, i.e. their SERVICE/IBADAH was being DOMINATED/CONTROLLED/MADE ‘MAMLUK’ by him

Such a person is described in 16/75 as “ABDAN MAMLUK(servant dominated), not having ability over anything”.

This shows deen’s irrelevance to religious beliefs, that despite having “religious freedom”, bani Israeel’s IBADAH(SERVICE) was being CONTROLLED by Firaun because of their participation in his DEEN. That despite having professed “LA ILAHA ILL ALLAH”, they had not entered deenillah/al-islam. Again, this shows that the Quranic concept of deen is not that of a religion, or a set of beliefs, but of:

A transaction/debt to do with:

(a)MULK/power/dominance/ownership and 

This is also confirmed by the following verses:

The Day of the DEEN(yaumaddeen) is described as the day when no soul will have MULK/POWER for another soul:

82/17: And what will make you understand what the yaumiddeen/Day of the Deen is?
82/18: Again, what will make you understand what the yaumiddeen/Day of the Deen is
82/19: The day when no soul will have any MULK/POWER over any other soul, and the Command on that day is for God.

And in 10/104, the believers’ DEEN/POWER TRANSACTION is described as giving their IBADAH/SERVICE to Allah alone:

10/104: Say: “O People, if you are in doubt as to what my deen/Power Transaction is, then (let it be clear to you that) I do not give my ‘IBADAH/SERVICE to those other than God to whom you give yours instead, I give mine to God, Who causes you to die, and I have been commanded to be of Believers.”

Ad-deen/deenillah therefore is the life-transaction, power relation, and/or power transaction between God and the believers, the relation between the Malik/Ma’bood and the abd/mamluk.

More later, inshaallah.

Fahad Ali Khan

>Punishment for Adultery and Homosexuality

>Salaam alaikum.

(You might need to check out these related articles first : )

The punishments of stoning and death penalty for adultery and homosexuality is in contradiction with the Quranic commands as we will see in this article, and therefore is unjust and should be rejected and opposed by those who really believe in The Quran. 

Let’s look into it.


The Quran has associated the practice of stoning with the kafireen:

Chapter/Verse 11/91: They said: O Shu’aib! we do not understand much of what you say and most surely we see you to be weak among us, and were it not for your family we would surely STONE you, and you are not mighty against us. 

18/20: For surely if they prevail against you they would STONE you to death or force you back to their religion, and then you will never succeed.
19/46: He said: Do you dislike my gods, O Ibrahim? If you do not desist I will certainly STONE you, and leave me for a time.
26/116: They said: If you desist not, O Nuh, you shall most certainly be of those STONED to death.
36/18: They said: Surely we augur evil from you; if you do not desist, we will certainly STONE you, and there shall certainly afflict you a painful chastisement from us.

Therefore any so-called Muslim who believes in, supports or carry outs such injustice is actually among the kafireen/rejectors/disbelievers.


In The Quran, the punishment of flogging/lashing is for three types of women who commit the crime: The Azwaaj/wives, al-muhsanaat/secured women and fatayaat/young women.

The punishment for azwaaj and al-muhsanaat(alongwith their accomplice, the zaani) committing zina(adultery) / fahisha(lewdness) is mentioned in 24/2-9, while the punishment for fatayaat is mentioned in 4/25.

Both the zaaniya and the zaani are to be lashed 100 stripes each. A group of al-momineen should be allowed to witness their punishment:

24/2: The zaaniya/”adulteress” and the zaani/”adulterer”, lash each one of them a hundred stripes. And let not pity for the two withhold you in the deen of Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of believers witness their punishment.

The above verses are about al-muhsanaat(24/4) and azwaaj(24/6). The punishment for fatayaat is in 4/25. Their punishment is half that of al-muhsinaat, that is 50 lashes.

4/25: If any of you have not the means wherewith to wed al-muhsanaat, they may wed believing girls/fatayat from among those whom your right hands possess: And Allah hath full knowledge about your faith. Ye are one from another: Wed them with the leave of their owners, and give them their dowers, according to what is reasonable: They should be chaste, not lustful, nor taking paramours: when they are taken in wedlock, if they fall into lewdness/FAHISHA, their punishment is half that for al-muhsanaat. This (permission) is for those among you who fear sin; but it is better for you that ye practise self-restraint. And Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

The punishment for women(azwaaj and milke yameen) of the Nabi is double if they commit fahisha:

33/30: O women of the prophet! Whoever of you commits an open lewedness/fahisha, the punishment shall be increased to her doubly; and that is easy for Allah.

If the women have committed open lewdness, the man can take back from whatever he had given to them:

4/19: O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye treat them with harshness, that ye may Take away part of the dower ye have given them,-except where they have been guilty of open lewdness/FAHISHA; on the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If ye take a dislike to them it may be that ye dislike a thing, and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good.

Such women can be expelled from their homes:

65/1: O Prophet! When ye (men) put away women, put them away for their (legal) period and reckon the period, and keep your duty to Allah, your Lord. Expel them not from their houses nor let them go forth unless they commit open lewdness/FAHISHA. Such are the limits (imposed by) Allah; and whoso transgresseth Allah’s limits, he verily wrongeth his soul. Thou knowest not: it may be that Allah will afterward bring some new thing to pass.

Furthermore momin men and women are forbidden from marrying the zaniya and the zaani. The zaani cannot marry except a zaaniya or mushrikah. And none can marry the zaaniya except a zaani or mushrik:

24/3: The zaani shall not marry except an zaaniya or a mushrikah, and the zaaniya none shall marry her except a zaani or an mushrik. And that is forbidden upon al-momineen/the believers. 


The word used in the Quran when talking about practicing homosexuality is ‘AL-fahisha’. (and not just ‘fahisha’ as used when talking about zina)

The punishment for practicing lesbians:

* four witnesses should be appointed over them. If they witness, the women should be restricted to their homes until death takes them or Allah makes a way out for them:

4/15: And as for those who are guilty of AL-FAHISHA from AMONG YOUR WOMEN, call to witnesses against them four (witnesses) from among you; then if they bear witness confine them to the houses until death takes them away or Allah opens some way for them.

Punishment for practicing gays:

* Men found guilty of committing homosexuality do not require witnesses over them.
* They can be be made to “hurt”, but cannot be restricted to homes.
* If they repent and reform, then they should not be bothered:

4/16: And as for the two (who are guilty of AL-FAHISHA) from AMONG YOU(MEN), “hurt” them both; then if they repent and amend, turn aside from them; surely Allah is Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful.

It is also important to note that “among YOUR WOMEN” and “among YOU” implies that the punishment for practicing homosexuality can only be given by the family of the offenders, and no one else has the right to enforce it, IMHO. It is different in case of zina because of the transaction made between two parties, i.e. the payment made by the husband TO the wife(zawj) and/or FOR the ‘right hands owned'(milke-yameen), and for the betrayal of the woman as she was reserved for the husband.

Moreover The Quran does not forbid the believing men and women from marrying people known to have homosexual feelings. Nabi Lut (peace be upon him) actually offered his daughters in marriage to homosexual men:

11/78: … He(Lut) said: O my people! these are my daughters — they are purer for you, …
15/71: He said: These are my daughters, if you will do (aught).

Nor do I find any indication that committing homosexual misconduct breaks the marriage, as it can in case of Zina, IMHO. 

Fahad Ali Khan

>Avatar and Counter-Racism


Check out these articles:

Avatar is just the latest scifi rehash of an old white guilt fantasy.

Avatar imaginatively revisits the crime scene of white America’s foundational act of genocide, in which entire native tribes and civilizations were wiped out by European immigrants to the American continent.

Read complete article here: When Will White People Stop Making Movies Like “Avatar”?

…Avatar appears to be the first sci-fi film in which a white person adopt the avatar (form) of a “non-white” person [=alien]. What was the motivation for doing so? Escaping physical disability (Jake Sully was paralysed)? Infiltrating “the Other” so as to understand it and colonise it more effectively? Perhaps both. However, there is the possibility that Avatar is (also) a re-telling of the John Brown story: white man turns “race traitor” (as Newitz points out) and fights against The Race [=White Supremacists (Racists)].

Read complete article here: COMMENT: Opening Pandora’s Box – Avatar and Counter-Racism