About Me

Salaam alaikum.

Takhlees means purification; to make something exclusive of elements that do not belong.

The Quran informs us that the majority of the monotheists/those who believe in Allah actually commit Shirk i.e. inclusion of element that do not belong.

12/106: And most of them do not believe in Allah/God except while being ‘mushrikoon'(those who commit shirk).

Therefore, Shirk being the only “unforgivable” offense, and since most of us HAVE been committing Shirk, it is very important for monotheists/believers to think SERIOUSLY about this: Are we among the mushrikeen?; What have we been including with Allah/God and His book?

We must strive to find out and make our ibadah(service/obedience) and deen(life-transaction) mukhlis/exclusive for Allah by holding fast to the The Quran(The Furqan/Criterion) and discarding all that is found to be in contradiction with it.

I am a student of The Quran and this blog is a place to share my studies and views on Quranic topics, especially those that are generally misunderstood, those that, in my opinion, require takhlees/purification.

Hopefully this will also be a good opportunity to discuss with other students of the Quran, and learn from each other. So feel free to comment on the articles. To help this effort, please forward the blog URL and articles to your contacts.



50 responses to “About Me

  1. Pingback: The Shaky Shahaada? « Wa Salaam


  3. Thanks brother Tufail.

  4. i be happy to hear your comments about my blog…

  5. He is telling the truth. The Book explains ALL things 16:89, what do we judge with then? 6:114

    Your are rejecting God’s words, not Fahad’s. Be really really careful, and make no haste in conclusion before reading the quran.


  6. Dear Silkworm,
    Re: Last Sermon…

    Which version are you referring to? I understand that there are three well followed versions. A paticularly large sect has also derived from this alleged sermon or alleged collections of it. I am interested in your thoughts on this.

    God bless you

  7. Damon (Quran Alone Believer)

    Salaam Brother Fahad,

    I wanted to tell you how much I love your site and how you are another valuable asset to the Quran Alone Movement. I was also happy to see that are brother at peoplepro-god.org has included you at his website.

    Keep doing what you’re doing my brother. Salaam.

    GOD Alone/Quran Alone,

  8. Hey Fahad,

    Just stumbled onto this site. Have been a believer in God alone and Quran alone for almost 8 years now. Our community of believers in Sabah, Malaysia is not big – as you know Malaysia is a country that takes Hadith as its source on top of Quran

    Even so, it is good to know I have a small circle of friends with similar belief.

    I like reading the discussions on this site and will continue to.

    Keep up the excellence and God bless.

  9. Damon and Christina. Thank you for your kind words. 🙂

  10. Fahad,

    Keep your spirit up, there are many more who feel as you do, who want to give Islam back to Allah.
    Allah’s truth will prevail over the manmade fabrications.


  11. Thanks, Mohammed Khafi 🙂 .

  12. Salam alikum

    Whatever group/sect you are part of, you have to believe in the Quran. Rejecting some means rejecting all of it, if don’t understand, then leave but don’t reject it.

    You rejection will cost you a lot more than you think, re-think, dear brother.

    At your tender age, I would recommend some study of the Quran at the hands of some qualified teachers of the Quran, then take it from there.

    The reason we say that the Quran is the speech of God, is that we know it was sent down by the means of the angel Gibril (upon him peace). This speech was unlike their speech and you can tell this if you reach hadith, the syntaxical structures are different. We also do not attribute any Human characteristics to God, because we cannot attribute what we do not know. He is as he has described himself to be and we cannot do the same. All we know is that the Quran is speech, we do not anything else.
    Read aqida Tahawi or go to http://www.zamzamacademy.com/ and find the online lessons and text there. May Allah subhanu wa ta’ala show the right path of guidance, in the religion of Islam.

  13. As for those people like Damon who just “follow” the Quran, then lets see if you actually are reading what it says. “Say, If you love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you, your sins. Allah is oft-forgiving and merciful.” 3.38

    This is part of an article that can be found here.

  14. Fahad

    Excellent work.
    Those people who think that it is a new Firqa, please tell me what Firqah rusool Allah blonged to? Was he sunni? or Shia? or simply a Muslim?

    Quran is what was revealed to our prophet not the books written by Persina Authors. All books of Hadith(s) were written 200+ years after the advent of Quran. The best Hadith is this one:


    It says:
    Abu Sa’id Khudri reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Do not take down anything from me, and he who took down anything from me except the Qur’an, he should efface that and narrate from me, for there is no harm in it and he who attributed any falsehood to me-and Hammam said: I think he also said:” deliberately” -he should in fact find his abode in the Hell-Fire.

    It can be seen here as well:

    Volume 4, Book 51, Number 3:
    Narrated Talha bin Musarrif:

    I asked ‘Abdullah bin Abu Aufa “Did the Prophet make a will?” He replied, “No,” I asked him, “How is it then that the making of a will has been enjoined on people, (or that they are ordered to make a will)?” He replied, “The Prophet bequeathed Allah’s Book ( i.e. Quran).”

    I hope this will help your quest for Hadith(s).


  15. Thanks Farooq!

  16. Fahad,
    Good job.
    Your approach to many issues in Islam is the only approach which many muslims would find answers to. Present day Islam has been distorted to such an extent by the so-called ulemas and mullahs for their interests
    that if prophet Muhammad came back again he would never accepted it.
    Best way out is study and live by Koran.
    Don`t give up and know that there are a lot of supporters of yours (who accept Koran as the only source of Islam) and who do not believe any other man-made stories.
    May Allah be pleased with you

  17. dear bro, asaalaamalaikume.yes my bro i feel the same way and i am trying very hard to help my bro/sis, who donot know ,i met muslim fr many country ,when you listen to they version of islam, it good to make you sick, one bro told me he beat his own mother, that the mufti in pakistan told him it ok, one bro he admits that is kill his sister, and the list goes on, now the quran speaks about so much things,many of which are stories of thigs that happen in the pass and future, but never mention once about the comming of jesus, the madhi, the dajjal,by the way all these are shai,s storys forge into islam, while our mufti,sheiks and mullahs are busy with veilng the women ,ansd keeping her in the bathroom, and how long the beard must be,islam is been attack fr all sides and they cannot stand to defend, but you are doing agood job ,donot pay attention to those who call you names, may Allah bless you and all muslims, thanks moe.

  18. Good man. Keep it up.

  19. Asalamu alaikum brother,

    Not long ago, after contemplating many fallacies in the thinking of sects and their implementation of Islam according to man-made text, I embarked on a similar journey to the one you are on. The result is my humble, logical application of the Quran to pillars and basic beliefs. There are also some neat tools such as english/Arabic search and noteworthy PDF articles. http://www.islamwire.com/ I hope you find it helpful.


  20. Interesting. So in interpreting the Qur’an, we should be interested in what FAHAD has to say, but we’re not allowed to consider what the PROPHET MUHAMMAD (saw) said. Fascinating epistemology.

  21. You guys need to seperate between Hadith and Sunnah




    The best way is the middle way!

  22. salaam bro

    i have just arrived here. haven’t read much of your posts, except the one on front page (the night journey). hope to read the rest soon.
    i do my personal translation, and have been a lurker in many forums on the study of al-Qur’an. so i hope to get more information on your understanding.
    one thing i find missing is authentic translation or translation by means of authentication from the originator of the work, in this case al-Qur’an, and from Allah. in this respect, i hope you have gone through the verification process before making your understanding public. really hope so.
    regardless, i will be reading your posts, insha-Allah.
    and, may Allah bless us all with right guidance on the honorable way of life.

    mohammed noh

  23. Brother Fahad


    Further to your e-mail, and messages to contact me, I have been meaning to get in touch with you, but have been unable due to a very busy schedule.

    Having viewed your webpage, I am impressed by your zeal, however I was somewhat surprised that you included so many of my articles, about which I never knew that you were dedicating these on your webpages.

    While I appreciate your efforts in promoting the message, please note that you have included articles which were written almost ten years ago, and which required amendments and editing, contained spelling mistakes, grammatical as well as some conceptual errors and were unfinished in many ways.

    It is becase of this that they were removed from public circulation, but now you have extracted these from old archives and made public again without my prior permission!

    At the tme of their writing, the articles were work in progress, and not meant for full fledged publication. Also, I have grown in understanding on some of the subjects, and will have to rectify some of my own writings from Al-Qur’an itself.

    Therefore, I kindly request you to delete my writings from your webpage, and please wait for any future edited versions.

    In the meanwhile, you can view material at the IIPC website, http://www.iipc.tv for Qur’anic knoweldge.

    May Allah reward you.

    Yours brotherly


  24. Muslim wrote:

    “Asalamu alaikum brother,

    Not long ago, after contemplating many fallacies in the thinking of sects and their implementation of Islam according to man-made text, I embarked on a similar journey to the one you are on. The result is my humble, logical application of the Quran to pillars and basic beliefs. There are also some neat tools such as english/Arabic search and noteworthy PDF articles. http://www.islamwire.com/ I hope you find it helpful.


    Thanks for the link bro. I’ll check it out.


  25. Brother Fahad


    Walaikum assalaam brother Kashif!!!

    Further to your e-mail, and messages to contact me, I have been meaning to get in touch with you, but have been unable due to a very busy schedule.


    Having viewed your webpage, I am impressed by your zeal, however I was somewhat surprised that you included so many of my articles, about which I never knew that you were dedicating these on your webpages.

    While I appreciate your efforts in promoting the message, …


    …please note that you have included articles which were written almost ten years ago, and which required amendments and editing, contained spelling mistakes, grammatical as well as some conceptual errors and were unfinished in many ways.

    It is becase of this that they were removed from public circulation, …

    I did not know the reason for your website’s removal, but I think I had even PMed you on the forum asking for the reason why you had removed your website.

    Your articles might not be presenting a perfect understanding, but at least they are closer to the truth. Minor errors can always exist, even when one considers his understanding to be perfect. If you get the time, let me know by e-mail what you think.

    …but now you have extracted these from old archives and made public again without my prior permission!

    I don’t remember reading any copying restrictions on your archived webpage to ask for prior permission, but still I tried to contact you to inform you about it. I had e-mailed IIPC asking for your e-mail address, but didn’t receive any reply. And I wasn’t sure about your current Yahoo address because I had never received any response from there either.

    At the tme of their writing, the articles were work in progress, and not meant for full fledged publication. Also, I have grown in understanding on some of the subjects, and will have to rectify some of my own writings from Al-Qur’an itself.

    Therefore, I kindly request you to delete my writings from your webpage, and please wait for any future edited versions.

    Ok. Let me know(at fahadkhan12@gmail.com ) which articles require editing; I will remove them from my blog. I will be waiting eagerly for the future edited versions. I would really like to read more of your understanding of Quranic topics.

    In the meanwhile, you can view material at the IIPC website, http://www.iipc.tv for Qur’anic knoweldge.

    Thanks. The IIPC’s material has really been very helpful in my study. I do visit the IIPC website regularly looking for updates.

    May Allah reward you.

    Yours brotherly


    May Allah reward you too. Thanks a lot for taking the time to view my blog!

  26. quran alone, bravo

  27. Hi,

    an original web site with a new Quran Miracle (Quran answers God of the Gaps argument) : http://www.quran-miracle.info

    please give it a link from your site, of course, if you find it usefull and logical!

    and please inform me about it, if you give a link…

    Best regards,

  28. Dear Fahad,
    Do you have Quran’s Urdu Translations in Excel of Word file? I will appreciate if I can have these.
    I am particualarly interested in Quran Urdu Translation by Abu Mansoor.

    Thx and regards

  29. Dear Fahad,
    Thanks for your efforts for spreading Quranic Islam.
    I am looking forward to contacting Kashif Ahmed Shehzada about his updated articles in order to ask for permission for translating those into Turkish. Have you received any updates after his email? And can you please share with me his email adress?
    You can also visit our websites http://www.quranic.org and http://www.quranmiracles.com for more about Quranic Islam.

  30. Oguzhan,

    I will e-mail you. Thanks for the links, I will check them out.

  31. The other Fahad wrote:

    “One more thing which i forgot .When ever there is a Hadith which contradicts Quran then Quran stands higher then any Hadith.But rejection by its whole self i dont agre with this at all.”

    I am not rejecting or attacking the whole Hadith books. I have only read a few hadiths, so I am in no position to reject the entire Hadiths collection altogether. What I am doing is that I am asking those read and study Hadith to EVALUATE every Hadith according to the Quran. The Quran is the distinguisher/Furqan(2/185) between right and wrong. So the hadiths which are in agreement with the Quran CAN BE ACCEPTED. This should be the science of Hadiths. I am NOT a munkir/rejector of Hadith, but I AM a munkir of the man-made “science” of Hadiths and the idea that Quran needs additional details:

    Read these, I have clarified my position here:



  32. Aijaz asked:

    “Dear Fahad,
    Do you have Quran’s Urdu Translations in Excel of Word file? I will appreciate if I can have these.
    I am particualarly interested in Quran Urdu Translation by Abu Mansoor.

    Thx and regards

    Sorry Aijaz, I don’t have it.

  33. Rasheed Eldin wrote:

    Interesting. So in interpreting the Qur’an, we should be interested in what FAHAD has to say, but we’re not allowed to consider what the PROPHET MUHAMMAD (saw) said. Fascinating epistemology.

    No, no, you are very much allowed to consider what the Messenger/Prophet (p.b.u.h) said. And this is what he said:

    The Quran, chapter 69/40: Surely this(Quran) is the qawl/saying of rasoole kareem/ an honorable messenger.

    Consider it. Fascinating, huh?

  34. Oshoval wrote:

    “i be happy to hear your comments about my blog…”

    Same here.

  35. Umer wrote:



    Straight path of Islam? Siraate mustaqeem? It’s the Quran, man 🙂 :

    6/125: So whoever God intends to guide, He opens his chest towards al-islam; …

    6/126: And this(Quran) is your Lord’s ‘siraate mustaqeem’/Straight Path. Indeed, We have detailed the signs/verses for people who receive admonition.

  36. Brother Fahad,


    I am happy to see another brother on the same journey. My journey started after visiting http://www.iipc.tv

    I was a so called muslim since birth but after seeing Mohammad Shaikh’s lectures I realized I was a Kafir (rejector) all my life. I am now striving to become a Muslim (submitter) and attain Islam (peace) by studying the one and only book of Allah, The Quran.

    May Allah bless us all.

    For those who rely heavily on the man-made hadith, please take 10 minutes to read the following article: http://www.bigissueground.com/atheistground/asadi-koranandhadith.shtml


    Brother Arshad

  37. r u tryna say tht u agree with submitters? that the rashed guy was a messenger of allah? i can take things seriously till i view this thoery of submiters..thats absurd…n the number 19 thoery is ridiculous

  38. i dont think i put my point acros clearly…okay recently iv started thinkin about the quran only idea becos i find hadiths contradicting n makin life impossible in todays society, however i went onto the submitters website n came to realise that they actuali believe that rashed kalifa or watever his name is..is a mesenger of Aallah and that he came out with the number 19 thory and that using that he cud predict the day of qiyamah? n he also disregaurded 2 verses out of the quran as they didnt fit in with his number 19 thoery? do all u only quran people believe in the submitters way? or is it all seperate sects? cos im quite confused…do all people who believe in quran only becum submitters?

  39. Dear.
    I am a muslim and all who recite kalma say them selves muslims.But this is the vision of their own mind, According to the decision of Allah there are only few persons who are actual Muslims and we say them also Momin.

    Dear , I hope that you do well with the bless of Allah.I am new comer on your website and want to see your views about Islam.Islam means the Deen of Adam, Moosa ,Essa, ibrahim, Nooh, Dawood, etc and all other Profits like Muhammad.

    Please research and choose the rigt way for yourself and also for all muslims.
    Sarfraz Khan

  40. Dear Fahad,

    I was introduced to the Qur’an in the month of
    January 2001, 8 months before the New York and bought 4 different French translation. I received an English copy
    of Dr Khalifa’s translation and found it much clearer than
    the French. Obviously, the riming sounds of the Arabic original are not in translations.

    Over a period of 2 years I recited daily and learned how to
    make salah correctly (5 times) and learned about hadiss and tafsir, but after that period, I found myself turning around inside the 6234 verses, and progressively I began to be bored with the recitation, even with practice of salah.

    Some people say on television they find answers to their questions in the Book, but I do not, not anymore. I will not elaborate on the Baha’i scriptures, because it is not on the same level. I will not go back to past scriptures to find ways to grow up, spiritually speaking.

    I find it infortunate that so many remain on the “La” instead of moving toward the “ila”, but it is the story of humanity.


  41. Dear Fahad,

    I was introduced to the Qur’an in the month of
    January 2001, 8 months before the New York and bought 4 different French translation. I received an English copy
    of Dr Khalifa’s translation and found it much clearer than
    the French. Obviously, the riming sounds of the Arabic original are not in translations.

    Over a period of 2 years I recited daily and learned how to
    make salah correctly (5 times) and learned about hadiss and tafsir, but after that period, I found myself turning around inside the 6234 verses, and progressively I began to be bored with the recitation, even with practice of salah.

    Some people say on television they find answers to their questions in the Book, but I do not, not anymore. I will not elaborate on the Baha’i scriptures, because it is not on the same level. I will not go back to past scriptures to find ways to grow up, spiritually speaking.

    I find it infortunate that so many remain on the “La” instead of moving toward the “ila”, but it is the story of humanity.


  42. Farah,


    I am not part of any sect, I am only a submitter to Allah (Muslim to Allah). I have never heard of a sect called submitters. And if this sect says some Rashed guy is the messenger of Allah then I totally reject this, because I only believe in the messengers mentioned in the Quran by Allah.

    I was just translating the word muslim which means submitter.

    Check the lectures of Muhammed Shaikh and you will understand what submitter means in the true sense of the word.



  43. hey arshad, thanks for replying, iv been doing some research on hadiths and i found this book by mohamed abdul malek wich is really good and says we should only focus on the quran and forget hadiths as they are man made and he makes a relli interesting point wich states that if Mohammed pbuh found the writing down of hadiths so important he would have arranged for this to be done wile he was alive insted of people 300 years ‘later deciding to write thinbgs down and tracing it back to the prophets days when they could NEVER really trace it back to the porphets dayz becos he had been dead for 300 years and therefore any information wich hadiths carry could not have been authentic…it’s the same as the bible n torah…they wer later changed, however the quran was then sent down and couldnt b changed as allah had protected it from man made fabrications, but the only other option was to twist the words of the quran by sayin it;s the ‘prothets sayings’ if it was SO IMPORTANT that these were to be written down would Allah have told us clearly int he Quran that men are to write down everything the prophet tells them…ppl usuali get confused becos the quran says ‘follow allah and his messenger’ that doesnt mean to say follow the newly introduced laws, it means follow the messenger in the sense that ur folowing what he has been revealed with to recite to the people, but this is confusing for me why nobody can c this and everybody that i tell say im going onto the rong path and i need to say tauba etc, im still not sure maybe im going in shaitans path by only folowin quran and believin hadiths to be un-authentic and re-search on the internet doesnt hell becos so many ppl on the ‘QURAN ONLY’ websites are either claiming to be MESSENGERS OF ALLAH or claiming things like ‘alcohol is not haram’ which clearly is even acording to the QURAN? does any1 wana help this confused child? lol Farrah

  44. Dear Fahd,

    can i add you to my blogroll ?

    Peace 🙂

  45. Sure you can. You don’t need my permission for that 🙂 . Thanks.

  46. Farrah,

    Sorry for the late reply. On your journey to the truth (based solely on The Quran) you will have to face a lot of challenges. A lot of these challenges will be in facing critical friends and relatives who believe blindly what they have been told by their ancestors.

    All I can say is read The Quran and ponder on it and ask help from someone who knows the Quran in the true sense and not explained by references to other books or sources.

    Let me give you a few example from my life.

    After reading the Quran I discovered that Allah has made all lifestock halal for you (except meat of swine, etc. etc.) and you do not need to slaughter it in a certain ritual to make it Halal. Thus this whole halal meat slaughtering is a man made myth. I started eating McDonalds after restraining from it for over 35 years. All my so called muslim friends think I eat Haraam and say I am a Kafir.

    Furthermore I found out we need to pay 20% zakaat on all our profits instead of the commonly mentioned 2,5 % on annual balance! All my friends think I have become shia or something because they also give 20%.

    These are just few examples. But believe me Allah shows the way and you will just feel that it’s the truth even though the majority of the people think otherways.

  47. Dear Umer.


    77:50 – In what statement, after this (Quran), will they believe?

    6:114 – Shall I seek other than Allah for judge, when He it is Who hath revealed unto you (this) Scripture, fully explained? Those unto whom We gave the Scripture (aforetime) know that it is revealed from thy Lord in truth. So be not thou (O Muhammad) of the waverers.

    When God says that He has fully explained this Book, there is no doubt in it and you should not seek other ‘statements’.. tell me something you know and God does not?

  48. I do not form part of any sect also.I wanna be a muslim submitted to Allah.Allah is the only law giver s 42v21, then my question is who ordered the sunna prayer,e.g. salaat ul eid? Has it been ordered by someone other than Allah?If it was prescribed by Allah to His messenger shouldn`t it be mentioned in the Quran?People say that i am wrong but alhamdulillah i have found people thinking just like me and that is very hopeful.

  49. Khurram Chaudhry


    I believe that the Quran is the divine word of Allah and the Ahadith are mostly hearsay.

    It is imperative to read Quran alone to truly understand it.

    One cannot see the sun better using a flashlight.

    Khurram Chaudhry
    Lahore, Pakistan


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