>Toxic Women (and Men)


So when you read the Quran, you shall seek refuge in God from Satan the Stoned (The Quran 16/98)

The Quran 24/26: ‘Khabees’/Toxic women are for toxic men, and toxic men for toxic women. ‘Tayyib’/Wholesome women are for wholesome men, and wholesome men for wholesome women; such are innocent of that which people say: For them is pardon and a bountiful provision.

Toxic Women

A woman is Toxic if she has embraced Feminism and lives according to it’s tenets of complete selfishness and irresponsibility for women. The toxic woman is very common and shows no signs of dying out. Indeed, Toxic women significantly outnumber non-Toxic women.

The Toxic woman thinks it is fine to strip a man of assets on divorce, fine to deny him access to his own children because it’s what she wants, it’s ok to sue her own employer or colleagues because she feels oppressed in some way, it’s the right thing to do to accuse a man of rape if he doesn’t cuddle her in the morning, it is justified for her to take jobs in the fire service, the police or the military and receive the same pay as men without having anything like the same ability or taking anything like the same risk.

It is not safe for a man to be alone with the Toxic woman and nor is it safe for him to drive her home or pay her a compliment – false accusations are ready to be flung by the toxic woman who tends to have a range of personality disorders.

The Toxic woman should not be dated, stood next to, employed or interacted with in any way by a man wishing to avoid enormous problems in his life.


Please visit:

Exposing Feminism and the New World Order

Truth, Lies and the War on Men

Gender Equality Is Not Achievable – Ever

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