>Death Penalty for Blasphemy: Is it Quranic?


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Quoting from Why The Death Penalty is un-Islamic?” by Kashif Shahzada

[2.0] Blasphemy

Blasphemy is the use of offensive, and derogatory language and visual representations against personalities revered and held in high esteem in a religion.

The Qur’an narrates that Prophets and believers were mocked, derided and subjected to abuse and persecution, but in face of all this, they were commanded to show restraint and be patient. There is no command to inflict the death penalty on those who hurl abuses. Indeed their act is heinous and sinful, and for which Allah will punish them in this world as well as the hereafter, but the believers are not called to exact revenge from them. Believers are enjoined not to utter words of contempt for anyone, even for the objects of worship of other religions

[2.1] It is Allah and not the believers who will punish those who hurt the Prophet (p) in this world as well as the next.
“Those who hurt God and His Messenger — them God has cursed in the present world and the world to come, and has prepared for them a humbling chastisement.” 33:57

As those who hurt the Prophet (p) will be punished by Allah in their own lifetime unless they repent, therefore believers exacting revenge and vengeance from them or invoking the death penalty for their offence does not arise. The matter is in Allah’s hands.

[2.2] The Qur’an has cited many instances where the unbelievers mocked, scoffed and used hurtful and annoying words towards the Prophet (p) (p.b.u.h). But the Prophet (p) (saw) did not penalise such offenders but exercised restraint as Allah commanded him to do so:
“And have patience over what they say, and leave them with noble (dignity).” (73:10)

The Prophet (p) acted on Allah’s command “..have patience over what they say..” and practised restraint on the hurtful words of unbelievers. In his life, the Prophet (p) was subjected to verbal and physical humiliation. There were attempts made on his life (8:30), he was accused of forgery (21:5), he was stigmatised as a man ‘possessed’ (23:70) and a ‘madman’ (68:2). But his personal reaction was adherence to the Quranic teachings of patience and restraint. As the Prophet (p) did not invoke the capital punishment for such offenders but used patience and restraint against the invectives and persecution, therefore this is proof that blasphemy although a grave sin, and which qualifies one for a divine curse, and punishment from Allah, is not a capital offence.

[2.3] Muslims are ordered to react with restraint when their faith is being abused and ridiculed and not exact revenge from the culprits.
“You shall surely be tried in your possessions and your selves, and you shall hear from those who were given the Book before you, and from those who are idolaters, much hurt; but if you are patient and godfearing — surely that is true constancy.” (3:186)

We are told that Muslims “..shall hear … much hurt..” but in face of this, they are not to exact vengeance or retribution but are ordered to have sabr(patience) and taqwa (righteousness). Similarly, in 4:140 Muslims are told that when their beliefs are ridiculed how they are to react:

“When ye hear the signs of Allah held in defiance and ridicule, ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme.” (4:140)

As the Qur’an prescribes to Muslims restraint, and distancing from the blasphemous persons, and has not advocated exacting vengeance, punishment or revenge, therefore this shows that blasphemy, although a grave sin, is not a capital offence mandating the death penalty.

[2.4] Those who commit blasphemy and even plot sedition are given an opportunity by Allah to repent. If capital punishment were invoked and they were to face the death penalty then they would not be able to avail the opportunity for repentance that Allah mentions in 9:74.
“They swear by God that they said nothing (evil), but indeed they uttered blasphemy, and they did it after accepting Islam; and they meditated a plot which they were unable to carry out: this revenge of theirs was (their) only return for the bounty with which God and His Apostle had enriched them! If they repent, it will be best for them; but if they turn back (to their evil ways), God will punish them with a grievous penalty in this life and in the Hereafter: They shall have none on earth to protect or help them.” (9:74)

The expression in above verse: “..If they repent, it will be best for them…” is clear evidence in demonstrating that those guilty of blasphemy, apostasy and sedition are not to face the death penalty as Allah has given them a chance for repentance and amendment of their conduct.

One response to “>Death Penalty for Blasphemy: Is it Quranic?

  1. >Good point about repentance. Who are they to take away that possibility.I read the text of the Pakistan law and it seems to suggest that lief imprisonment is the maximum penalty. And in any case does the Prophet needs protecting by mere mortals?

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