>The Saudi "House" Muslims

>The “Khadimain al-Haramain ash-Sharifain” , the “Custodians of the Two Holy Mosques”, the “Protectors of the Muslim Ummah” are a bunch of boot-licking, ass-kissing House “Muslims”.

Check out this documentary film:

Saudi & America …Slave & Master


Description: “This documentary highlights the history of the Saudi Arabia which was founded by King Abdul Aziz Al-Saud In 1902 with the help of British Government and spies who armed and financed the rebellions against the Ottoman Empire. The video discusses the present day’s affairs between the Saudis and the America and highlights how the Al-Saud family relies upon the America to control the country.”

Also check out these:


4 responses to “>The Saudi "House" Muslims

  1. >Peace Be Unto Those Who Follow Right Guidance.Actually, I think the correct phrase is "boot licking and ass kissing", but the point is well made in the documentary (which was produced by members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir).Peace

  2. >Peace.Heheh, they do it "both ways" bro. 😉

  3. >Thanks for the correction though.

  4. >Salam,Was looking for one of your article about 'Khalifa'. Is it somewhere on internet?Did you write any thing about 'Asma' taught by Allah to Adam.ThxAijaz

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