Monthly Archives: May 2007

Carnival of Islam in the West – 9th Edition

imgPeace everyone.

Welcome to Person al-quran. This blog is very honoured to host the 9th edition of Carnival of Islam in the West, a monthly blog carnival including articles mainly(not exclusively) by Muslims.


The Carnival was created by Hakim Abdullah, who blogs at The resource page of the blog carnival can be found on his blog here. The previous eight editions of the Carnival were hosted at:

Eighth Edition: Apr 13, 2007 Truth & Beauty
Seventh Edition: Mar 10, 2007 Abdur Rahman’s Corner
Sixth Edition: Feb 19, 2007 Hakim Abdullah
Fifth Edition: Jan 12, 2007 Hakim Abdullah
Fourth Edition: Dec 09, 2006 Islam And The West
Third Edition: Nov 10, 2006 Travellers on the Path of Knowledge
Second Edition: Oct 14, 2006 Unwilling Self-Negation
First Edition: Sep 08, 2006 under|progress


Islam is to the Muslims a key element in their identity. It represents belief, ethics, society and culture and occupies a large aspect of their being in the world.

The Carnival of Islam in the West has been a good opportunity to witness the diversity of this Muslim identity, by seeing how the human elements within the Muslim community contributes to the various colours of Islam present in the world. With Muslims now living in the West and forming significant minorities, we will be able to see an interaction of culture, like two colours forming yet another hue to beautify the world with.

I hope you will enjoy the present and future editions of the Carnival and take with you feelings of joy at seeing a world culture among world cultures.

In this edition we have received submissions in the category of “Religion and Philosophy”, “The State of the Ummah” and “News and Politics”. So without taking any more of your time, I present the articles included in the 9th Edition of the Carnival of Islam in the West

Religion and Philosophy

Irving Karchmar presents Waiting for God posted at Darvish, about finding God during the simple deeds of everyday life.

Farouk A. Peru presents Islam – From Existence to Essence posted at Jidal Society Home Page, about Islam as a phenomena of change to become a human being.

Hakim Abdullah presents What is the Punishment of God? posted at Hakim Abdullah. Hakim contemplates the similarities between the recent disasters in the U.S. with God’s punishments incurred by the past generations due to their misdeeds.

Muhammad Asadi presents The “Islamic” Threat: Real or Imagined? posted at ASADI.ORG Web Journal. Can the ‘Islamic Threat’ stand in the face of rational questioning? In this article Muhammad Asadi reproduces the arguments of both sides in debate format, after several hours of argumentation.

Abdur Rahman presents Intention & Meeting People of Other Faiths posted at Abdur Rahman’s Corner, about communication with people of other beliefs and ideologies should be in a certain way, read on.

Farouk A. Peru presents Fundamentalist Islam – A Fundamental Contradiction posted at Jidal Society Home Page, about what is known as Islamic fundamentalism which advocates terrorist acts contradicts Islam at a primordial level.

Atiya presents Our Prophet posted at, about manifesting the character of the Prophet within ourselves.

Abdur Rahman presents Own Your Own Responses posted at Abdur Rahman’s Corner. Some wise words of advice about how our souls should be.

Muhammad Asadi presents Mullah’s War against Islam posted at ASADI.ORG Web Journal, about how the Islamic Clergy represents a retrogressive force in Islam against the evolutionizing force of the Quran.

Shazad Mirza presents I am shocked by muslims in the media posted at Islamic facts, islamic info, islam general, about Muslim image in the West and media sensationalism.

The State of The Ummah

Farouk A. Peru presents Islam – Where we Begin and End posted at Jidal Society Home Page, about what are ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslims’ and what should they be in the world.

Yahya Birt presents The Islamist: A Review posted at Yahya Birt. A review of an important personal account of time spent with UK Islamist groups in the 1990s including Hizb ut-Tahrir, published in May 2007.

Farouk A. Peru presents Islam – Freedom of Belief and Practice posted at Jidal Society Home Page. Islam gives a freedom to believe which has been denied by cultural practice.

Farouk A. Peru presents What Muslims should protest against … but don’t posted at Jidal Society Home Page. The wrong things in the world emote the Muslims. Find out what should move them.

News and Politics

Muhammad Asadi presents Worthy & Unworthy Victims: The Virginia Tech Massacre & Iraq posted at ASADI.ORG Web Journal. “Media coverage of the massacre at Virginia Tech, by the U.S. mainstream media (CNN, FOX etc.), that is being broadcast throughout the globe these days, brings to our attention the use of the construct of “worthy” and “unworthy” victims by this media.”

That’s all for this edition. Thanks to everyone who participated. Special thanks to Farouk for helping me write this post.

Future hosts can be found on the carnival index page. The next edition of the Carnival will be hosted by Writeous Sister Speaks Jun 08, 2007. You can submit your blog articles by using the carnival submission form.
