Monthly Archives: January 2007

Dividing Al-Quran into 'Paras'/smaller volumes

Quoting an article by Dr. Kamal Omar from

Dividing The Scripture into smaller volumes

Allah has divided His Book in 114 Surahs and not ‘Paras’. You can group a few Surahs together and bind the Book in as many volumes as you wish, but the basis of division must be only in accordance with the Surahs. No other division into volumes is allowed under any terminology like Al-juzv (1/30th part) and Al-hizb (1/60th part) etc., since this amounts to blasphemy. To give an example the 13th Para closes after the first Ayat of the 15th Surah; and the 14th part, thus, starts at the 2nd Ayat of the 15th Surah. And still more blasphemous it is that the Opening Surah of Al-Kitab is kept outside the so-called 30 parts. It is clarified within the Text of the Scripture that Saban-min-Al-Masani (15/87) generally termed Surah Al-Fatiha (i.e., the Opening Surah) is the Ist Surah in the Divine arrangement of the Divine Text. The Text of the Book throws an open challenge to one similar Surah, in the 2nd Surah (2/23) and to produce ten Surahs in the eleventh Surah (11/13).

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A chat with Bassam Zawadi

This msn chat was part of the debate with Bassam Zawadi:

The chat has been removed upon Bassam’s request because according to him, I did not have his permission to publish it. According to me, I had.

Update later.

By the way, there is a small debate in the comments section as well.